Detailed list of changes
27th August 2024
Fixed missing histograms on some fluorescent images
7th August 2024
Added support for fluorescent images (Akoya QPTIFF)
Improved performance for large results
Fixed scalebars on screenshots of rotated images
Improved open first teaching module if there is only one
Fixed review scores should be hidden in student view
Fixed answer counts in review for case-specific scoring sheets
19th July 2024
Improved performance of anno2 on lots of small polygons
Added API method to create anno2
5th July 2024
Fixed don't log client errors if they are caused by a browser extension
Fixed modify only own stylesheet even if a browser extension adds its own
Fixed view tracking sometimes didn't start
Added API calls to extract tracking information
Improved email validation
Fixed check email addresses to notify for new slide/answer
Improved error message when no right to see image
Added examples to API docs
Fixed Uploader sometimes can't upload the answer next to the slide
Fixed Uploader can expand the answer field
27th June 2024
Fixed Anno2 showed spurious warning for annotations without labels
Improved external API calls (verifying email address and sending emails) are now timed
Improved automatically notify support if slides are not loading fast enough
Fixed simplification of complex polygons
Improved API GetRawTile has better error reporting for invalid parameters
Fixed crash when underlying storage isn't accessible
Fixed Uploader not always unlocking a study automatically
Fixed Uploader reporting UTC date instead of local time
Improved shorter timeout for email validation
14th June 2024
Added defining reference images for a question
Added maximum allowed answers for a question (response cap)
Improved Anno2 support for ellipses and rectangles
Added API ConvertAnnotationToAnno2 based on image+question+user
Improved anno2 performance for lots of smaller polygons
Fixed Anno2 conversion if no metadata supplied
Improved removed overwrite prompt for slides that are only partially scored
Fixed Anno2 now points out location of annotations more precisely for tall slides
Fixed adding question only for unscored slides
4th June 2024
Fixed shuffled slides stay in the same order now over time
Improved starting time of the application - shorter maintenance downtimes
Improved Slide Score checks whether the slide file was overwritten since importing
Added inline help for TMA review
Added more options for brush size with a keyboard shortcut
Fixed brush disappearing when drawing
26th May 2024
Improved handling of database backups
Added searching logs for site administators
14th May 2024
Fixed under some circumstances it was not possible to reenable the map after disabling it
Fixed Slide Score could request pixels from invalid coordinates
2nd May 2024
Improved Uploader app now digitally signed with EV
Improved Uploader better handling of missing configuration file
Improved storage benchmark for testing storage speed
Improved handling of automatic session refreshing
18th April 2024
Improved speed on study overview page
Added MRXS bounds to API GetSlideMetadata
Fixed adding exact shape when center of screen is on the edge of a slide
Improved always show table headings when scrolling
Added a customizable message for archived slides
10th April 2024
Improved UI for creating API tokens
Added a notification if admin is looking at shuffled study
Added a notification if site admin is looking at deleted study
Fixed removed spurious warning in logs
28th March 2024
Fixed issues for non-admin users when creating new studies based on results
Added a check that at least 1GB will be left free when uploading a slide
Fixed broken icons for some slide actions in some circumstances
Fixed Uploader suggested inconsistent slide number when automatically renaming slides with empty study
Fixed Uploader config's name was not used
Improved estimation of the magnification
Improved Uploader now a single executable
Improved Uploader always downloaded from a single location to boost reputation
8th March 2024
Fixed more crashes with invalid coordinates for GetRawTile
Fixed rare race condition causing double unlocking when reading tiles
Improved error reporting if emails don't work
13th February 2024
Improved doubled line thickness on retina displays (e.g. ipad)
Improved iPad detection
Fixed crashes with invalid coordinates for GetRawTile
Fixed wrong question type added when adding questions quickly
Improved sped up downloading results
Fixed embedding from cBioPortal for unauthenticated users
7th February 2024
Added Anno2: a new annotation format that can show 10s of millions of points
Added button for site admins that shows server settings
Added log information on memory usage
Improved performance when removing all slides from a study
Improved map box shows only the slide without black bars
Improved API to generate links works for anonymous users too now
Improved files with semicolon in name can't be uploaded now
Improved performance of various API calls
Improved show help text for advanced searching also on study settings page
Improved moved to version 1.3
Fixed issues with inconsistent zooming speeds
Fixed problem when question had a nonstandard color
27th January 2024
Added API SetIsArchived to mark slides as archived
17th January 2024
Added icons to slide actions
Added Uploader can upload MRXS files within zip files directly
Fixed sharing of TMAs anonymously was broken
7th December 2023
Added API to generate links for viewing slide files based on file path
Improved updated QuPath extension to v0.5.0
Improved embedding of slides in external software
Improved performance of the home page with 1000s of studies
Improved maximum slider for colors now determines the input value that will be mapped to maximum output
Improved added contrast control
Fixed slide redraws when opening an annotation
Fixed rotating image in a case sometimes didn't work
27th November 2023
Improved SALM login remembers where you wanted to go
Fixed H-scores didn't work well with slide review
Fixed Uploader choice with anonymization and multiple files sometimes wasn't respected
Fixed enabling and disabling tracking would sometimes show an error on the console
21st November 2023
Improved Uploader behavior when resizing
Improved Uploader show file number indication when uploading multiple files
Fixed Uploader better handling of failures to lock and unlock a study
16th November 2023
Added option to rotate rectangles
Fixed Uploader can't upload files with empty name
Fixed error when searching demo study with explicit access
Fixed adding precise shapes was not possible if measurement were disabled
9th November 2023
Added API to generate student accounts for class
Added option to login using a link
Added an overview sheet with login QR codes for class
Added shape of precise size can be a rectangle
Fixed case search didn't work
Fixed error if slide files get deleted
28th October 2023
Added controls for colors balance
Improved viewer controls
14th October 2023
Added API GetSlideDetails for getting information about a slide
Added you can hold shift when selecting slides by clicking their checkboxes to select multiple
Improved speed when performing operations on a lot of slides
Improved API Studies now returns also the tags (organ, disease,...)
Fixed IE11 issue with reporting client-side errors
Fixed you could run out of possible colors when adding a lot of annotation questions
Fixed out-of-focus detection tissue detection
27th September 2023
Added API GetRawTile for getting pixels in an easy way
Added SAML login can be made mandatory for some users
Improved SAML login creates 12 hour sessions
Fixed SAML login would sometimes not extend validity of the session
17th September 2023
Added prompt for what to do when adding a question to a scored study
Fixed empty lines in description fields could cause issues
Fixed link overlays on description would sometimes get stuck and not disappear
Fixed going from results page to slide didn't work in one deployment
29th August 2023
Improved added links and QR codes to free 2-factor authentication apps
Improved handling of running out of browser's local storage
Improved conditional questions are now not case-sensitive
Fixed problem with nonstandard timestamp with renewal of QuPath tokens
Fixed API AddSlide didn't update slide count
9th August 2023
Added API to get list of QuPath tokens for a study
Added API to delete and undelete a study
Improved QuPath project renewal can handle slides from multiple studies
Fixed image labels would sometimes not get shown
Fixed problem in API to update TMA core size
27th July 2023
Added API to update TMA core size
Added Delete all results
Added Delete results for a slide
Improved Admin searching for slides and users
Improved error reporting
Fixed some settings were not always copied over when making a copy of a study
Added indication that study is deleted visible only to Site admins
Fixed SDK error handling for AddSlide
Fixed missing validation for Purge
Improved updated dependencies
20th July 2023
Added Uploader locking study when using slide renaming to avoid uploading two slide under the same name
Added Uploader shows warning when overwriting a slide
Fixed QuPath could under some circumstances request pixels of other images user has access to
Added QuPath article
Improved error logging on the frontend
Fixed label wasn't visible after calling API AddSlide
Fixed if a slide was opened recently and it's been overwritten sometimes the old pixels were still shown
Fixed copying of a subset of slides with case-specific questions
Improved updated dependencies
6th July 2023
Added show API token ID in the overview
Improved API Cases now returns even cases that do not have any slides
Fixed API AddSlide wasn't always updating slide labels
Fixed API SetImageCase returned Case not found even for existing cases
Fixed API AddCase checks for unique case name
29th June 2023
Added copying a subset of slides based on their results to another study
Added use <, > and regular expressions when searching results, users or slides
Improved lowered threshold for out-of-focus slides
25th June 2023
Added automatic out-of-focus detection for uploaded slides
Added API calls for out-of-focus detection
Improved export of results so that they open in Excel
Improved QuPath plugin now imports the colors of annotations as well
Improved QuPath plugin checks annotation types
Improved edit box in descriptions gets shown a bit longer
Fixed icons sometimes would not load
Fixed zooming on image went way too fast on some hardware
Fixed expired API tokens didn't get deleted
Fixed attachments in descriptions sometimes couldn't be edited
5th June 2023
Added API to add, update and remove questions and to work with TMA maps
Fixed problems with students using uppercase letters in their email addresses
15th May 2023
Fixed view settings would sometimes not show up
Fixed autosaved annotations were not always getting removed from storage properly
Fixed uploading library would throw strange errors, updated
13th May 2023
Added option to notify users whenever a slide is scored
Added color balance adjustment
Improved view settings visible next to slide
Added reset buttons for view settings
Fixed potential CSRF attack
17th April 2023
Improved support for CZI slides
Fixed issue with slide-specific questions when reviewing
4th April 2023
Improved don't show options which are not available when creating token as domain admin
Added Swagger user interface for trying out the API
17th March 2023
Added study options to disable see all and screenshot buttons
Fixed problem with unpublished study name when setting up synchronized viewing
Added CanHandleDomains API token capability
Added Get/SetDomainForStudy API calls
Added UpsertDomain API call
Improved remember sorting column in results view
Fixed wrong sorting order for cases in results view
Fixed space in slides name broke layout of assign case from name
9th March 2023
Improved removed original study name if there is a label
Improved Uploader has a larger description window with scrollbars as necessary
2nd March 2023
Added setting to notify with an email every time a user is added to a study
Fixed AddUser API method sometimes didn't work
Improved QuPath plugin to support v0.4.0 of QuPath
Added QuPath plugin can import point annotations
Added QuPath plugin has more specific version information that is printed in the log
20th February 2023
Added new pivot table results view
Improved support for new map box features in TMAs
15th February 2023
Added remember size of precise annotation shape
Added gamma, brightness and contrast filters under the map box options
Fixed very long words in question titles don't make a scrollbar
Improved report resolution from database in GetImageMetadata call
Fixed issues with thumbnails containing digital noise
Added Copy and Paste for annotation shapes
Fixed don't cache responses with missing labels or thumbnails
8th February 2023
Added domain administrators: can create API tokens for a few studies
Improved performance when creating thumbnails and label images
Improved support for BMP
Improved study ID now visible in list of studies when creating an API token
1st February 2023
Added option to remove the Measure button from a study
Improved resolution of converted PNGs and JPGs
Added guesstimate of magnification to screenshot filename
Fixed if slide doesn't have resolution information available don't assume it's 40x
Fixed annotation points with fixed size would show up as filled on screenshots
25th January 2023
Added visualization of already seen areas on the slide
Fixed TMA core size in QuPath
Improved after finishing a submodule always show module overview
Improved performance of searching on study list page
18th January 2023
Added undo and redo to scoring sheet editor
Added API methods CreateStudy, UpdateStudy, AddUser, RemoveUser, AddCase, SetImageCase, RemoveCase
Improved performance of the study list page
Fixed annotations sometimes not flashing
Fixed measurement lines not flashing
Improved behavior of studies with navigation disabled
Improved scalebar in screenshots to be closer to what you see in the browser
9th January 2023
Added possibility to resize the slide map box
Added move handle to current region in the map box
Improved XSS protection
Added integrity/completeness check of uploaded MRXS files
Improved screenshot tool now considers rotation of the slide
Added restart button for site administrators
Added basic statistics for site administrators
Improved performance of searching for studies
Improved email templates
Fixed allowed folders for user work with symbolic links
Improved performance of operations on multiple slides on the admin page
Improved performance by lazy loading help animations
16th December 2022
Fixed race condition due to reuse of not thread safe component
Fixed EF Core regression on .NET 6.0.11
19th November 2022
Fixed polygons with less than 3 points
10th November 2022
Fixed issue with flashing centroids of annotations
Fixed don't use username to send email
Added option to remove QuPath tokens when disabling user's QuPath support
Fixed only show first module a study is part of
30th October 2022
Improved verify new email address when changing account's email address
Added users will get an email if someone inputs their second authentication factor wrong
Improved second factor is more difficult to brute force
Fixed problem when generating config files for studies that use the same TMA map under different names
Improved smaller less frequent maintenance window
14th October 2022
Improved synchronized view supports cases
5th October 2022
Improved you can type the first letter of an item in tree views to jump to it
Improved less frequent maintenance
28th September 2022
Improved update annotation shape counts when reviewing scores
Improved flash all annotations when displaying them
Fixed support for images smaller than 128 pixels
Improved anonymization of description of SVS images
Fixed QuPath couldn't import answers if they were empty
Added information on how users can get their own Slide Score server
21st September 2022
Improved Uploader supports uploading DICOM slides
Improved Uploader error messages
Improved Uploader uploads in parallel with asking for description or answers
Fixed validation errors show up when creating an API token
Improved expiration date input
6th September 2022
Improved Uploader supports anonymizing DICOM slides
Improve anonymization - also wipe timestamps
30th August 2022
Fixed updating of slide counts for API calls
Fixed import also description from study config file
10th August 2022
Improved Uploader: dont submit description on enter
Added presets for creating API tokens
28th July 2022
Improved allow absolute paths in AddSlide API
Fixed Uploader config doesn't ignore AllowMultiple
Improved demo users can see review
Fixed issues with anonymizing large files
15th July 2022
Added API calls to rename slides and cases
Fixed hide scalebar if slide resolution not available
Fixed show sidebar expanded if slide or case have description
Improved load first 5000 results instead of 1000
Improved preview other people's results when reviewing
11th July 2022
Added API call to retrieve slide or case description
Added command to rename cases
Improved performance of searching within study
Improved open study modules if no study is visible
Fixed disable review for studies scored together
4th July 2022
Added Score study together setting to share the slides between pathologists
Added QuPath can now read annotations from Slide Score
Improved QuPath plugin works if multiple versions are detected
Improved QuPath plugin shows various notifications and more detailed error information
Improved QuPath plugin uploads points as ellipses to annotation shape questions
Improved delete from storage removes the study attachments too
Improved users can create and include slides from arbitrarily deep paths
Added Api/Publish to publish/unpublish studies
Added Study directory setting that all editors of study have complete access
26th June 2022
Added area is included in annotation shapes results
Added date of last modification is included in annotation shapes results
Fixed brush area was not always correctly calculated
Improved check that authentication cookie will stay valid for a while when opening images
Added setup email notification for when a new slide is uploaded to a study
17th June 2022
Fixed too much logging to the system journal
Improved recreate thumbnails if they exist but are empty
Fixed Uploader breaks when folder name collides with another existing study
9th June 2022
Improved Uploader shows token expiration
Improved provide a description template when uploading
Fixed brush validation shouldn't require hole polygons
Improved bigger font for status window of Uploader
Improved Uploader window resizing
Fixed recreate missing thumbnails and labels
5th June 2022
Addde Retry button for study import
Added See All button to view all slides from a case synchronously
Fixed difficult to create annotations that touch the edge of the image
Improved cache positive email validity results
Improved don't check email validity for white-listed domains instead of domain check
Fixed if email validation unexpectedly fails allow emails
29th May 2022
Improved show image and case descriptions even for non-training studies
Added use Uploader to add slide descriptions
Improved GetConfigFiles now includes .cases file
Improved delete temporary upload files on startup
Fixed scoring sheet editor now complains when failing to parse an imported scoring sheet
Fixed added notice about heatmaps not showing on screenshots
Added link to a version of Uploader that can be used to test the slide anonymization
22nd May 2022
Fixed don't allow empty options for customizable questions when importing
Added creating uploader config screen
Added API calls for getting and updating slide paths to support archiving
17th May 2022
Fixed Python SDK crashed when cases were not defined
Improve Python SDK default value for destination filename when uploading
Improve Python SDK Reimport API call
Fixed not all details of customizable questions were exported in API
11th May 2022
Added answering questions in Uploader
Improved migrated to .NET 6
6th May 2022
Improved don't cache slides when importing study
Fixed display TMA maps even if the original xls file is not there
Fixed in some cases link to uploaded file wouldn't show up in Uploader
Added show version in Uploader
28th April 2022
Added display an error for improperly formatted annotations
Fixed brush now works also on rotated slides
23rd April 2022
Improved don't stop import of a study if file is being imported twice
Added API tokens now include their expiry date in the clear
Added a button to the study view to create an API token for the study
21st April 2022
Fixed check for empty search string
Fixed show an error if no study is selected as source of slides for copying
Fixed a possible crash when exception happens in NDPI reader (Windows only)
Fixed show the proper uploaded url in uploader app
13th April 2022
Improved it's possible to add "holes" (not all slide panels showing slides) for the synchronized view of multiple images
10th April 2022
Improved make annotation lines a bit thicker
Added API calls for setting slide resolution and description
5th April 2022
Added anonymization to the uploader app
3rd April 2022
Fixed apply logging of slow queries
Improved error handling in the uploader
8th March 2022
Fixed polyline button not showing up
10th February 2022
Fixed single slide review didn't always show up for site admins
Fixed issues around transparent annotations
Fixed ignore images that are part of a case when looking for next unscored image/case
Fixed points didn't work with transparent color
1st February 2022
Added partially transparent annotations
Added custom annotation line thickness
Added polyline - open polygon
Added custom annotation shapes
Improved warning that answers will be deleted when importing scores
28th January 2022
Improved scalebar stays in lower right corner after rotating the slide
Added expiration of QuPath links
Fixed incorrect progress calculation when case-specific and image-specific questions are used
Improved disallow case-specific questions in studies with TMAs or images outside cases
16th January 2022
Added reviewing results from other pathologists for a single slide
Improved create temporary upload directory if it doesn't exist
Added "implants" - plugins to change Slide Score functionality
Fixed don't show deleted studies in a teaching module
Fixed tracking now works on all slides in a case
4th January 2022
Improved show error when sending email fails
Fixed importing study may fail if cases reference images with file extension
Improved flag pathologists don't need to be able to see each other's scores to view the results comparison
27th December 2021
Added prompt warning of losing changes to questions editor
Improved remove empty lines in dropdown options
Added suggestions for study names in create token
Improved scoring sheet compression now optional
22nd December 2021
Improved show MRXS with white background
Fixed issues with conditional checkboxes
Added scoring sheet compression
18th December 2021
Fixed Reimport API call didn't always invalidate caches
Fixed import of .cases didn't always detect double assignment of images to cases
8th December 2021
Fixed rotate scalebar together with the slide
Fixed randomization of images
Fixed under certain conditions annotations could get copied between slides
4th December 2021
Improved increased screenshot size limit to 50MPx
Fixed spurious warnings about too long lines in custom questions
30th November 2021
Fixed allow setting description back to empty string
Improved database performance
27th November 2021
Added option to track the view and mouse movement of raters on slides
24th November 2021
Added API call to add a slide without importing study
18th November 2021
Fixed issues when deleting studies with some conditional questions
Fixed copy all details of slides when copying from another study
Added site admins can request recreating missing or broken thumbnails
Added new methods to site admin menu
Removed Import buttons from studies (only for site admins now)
Improved server folder names can have spaces
Fixed results in Python SDK used 0 instead of None for TMA coordinates
Added notification for unexpected shutdown
14th November 2021
Improved more breadcrumb navigation
Improved TMAs can be included in training studies
Improved show results comparison statistics on request
Added results comparison: row color signals agreement with majority
Added download results comparison report
9th November 2021
Improved smoothing algorithm when zooming in
Improved processing of results in Python SDK
Improved fail-fast errors are now logged in application log as well
3rd November 2021
Added statistics to results comparison
Added breadcrumb navigation to the study page, results, comparison and editing
Added GetStudies API
Added option to use custom JPEG quality level and chroma subsampling
29th October 2021
Improved optional parameters and case names in the get results API
Improved renamed "Delete" to "Delete from study" for slides
Fixed background wouldn't always revert after removing conditions
Improved black and white scalebar
Fixed randomization of order wouldn't always get applied
Added randomize only case names and leave slide names in place
Fixed show results of case-specific polls
Fixed viewing results of studies with both TMAs and slides in cases
Fixed clicking a Slide Score link in Excel/Word will use cookies
24th October 2021
Fixed annotations in screenshot now have same low opacity as on screen
Fixed editing description of slides in a case
14th October 2021
Fixed conditional checkboxes were not always restored properly
4th October 2021
Fixed API for getting results
Fixed error reporting for Hamamatsu on Linux
Fixed rate limit add slides to prevent double invocations
30th September 2021
Improved performance of other API calls
Improved confirmation email gets resent if the token expired recently
Workaround don't use caching for iSyntax files in read-only directories
24th September 2021
Improved performance of UploadResults API
19th September 2021
Added SAML federated institutional logins (SURFconext)
Improved show list of own attachments
14th September 2021
Fixed attachments can be added to module description
Fixed measure would sometimes copy over to multiple questions
Fixed conditional explanation would not show up
Improved uncheck checkboxes for slides after performing an action
4th September 2021
Improved performance of import of results
Added server path option for uploader
14th August 2021
Improved generation of thumbnails
Improved subfolder permissions
Improved simplify annotation polygons
27th July 2021
Fixed more reliable importing of results
Improved heatmap interpolation switch
Added fun loading indicators
15th July 2021
Fixed editors count as teachers
Added remote log reading
Fixed scale annotations only on displays that are really tall and wide
29th June 2021
Fixed sort slides in case alphabetically
13th June 2021
Fixed uploader renaming MRXS renames the folder as well
5th June 2021
Fixed don't show button to add submodules for non-teachers
Added start button for modules
Fixed uploader when MRXS filenames contains spaces
29th May 2021
Added password policy lowercase requirement
Fixed don't include MRXS directories when listing
Fixed don't include jpgs and pngs when listing
Improved faster parallel adding of slides
23th May 2021
Fixed removing old cookies on login
Fixed unpublishing a study
18th May 2021
Fixed correct answers did not always appear
Fixed overwriting correct answers is now allowed
Improved all cookies use the Secure flag
Added Export a list of cases of a study
10th May 2021
Added uploading MRXS files with their data folders using the Uploader
Added uploading to Python SDK
7th May 2021
Improved extended upload token validity to 36 hours so that users can upload larger number of files
Fixed question dependent on a dependent question not always hidden
5th May 2021
Added support for PNG, JPG and non-pyramidal TIFFs
Fixed tuned down the strictness of email validity check
29th April 2021
Improved updated results of GetConfig API call
Improved performance of requesting study results
Added Questions API call
23rd April 2021
Added allow embedding Slide Score in cBioPortal
15th April 2021
Added label text for annotations
Improved when measuring distance it's possible to zoom in and out
8th April 2021
Fixed password rules would not show up when requested
Improved when selecting Show all annotations the distance measurements are also shown
Fixed reimporting a study with TMA cores could fail
Fixed email address with capital letters prevented sharing slides anonymously
Fixed opening results comparison could temporarily limit the number of cases visible
3rd April 2021
Fixed Slide Score Uploader app sometimes failed to upload slides
28th March 2021
Improved upgraded the application platform to .NET 5
Added optional email address validity check
Added stricter Content Security Policy for protection against XSS hacks
Improved handling of Show all annotations, especially in Firefox
23rd March 2021
Improved sped up loading slide with complex annotations
Fixed Show all annotations checkbox had to be rechecked sometimes
Improved remove brush shape if it has been completely erased
Improved detection of ares outside the image when using the brush
Improved don't count question with default answers when deciding majority opinion
21st March 2021
Added measurement question type
Fixed result comparison shows majority opinion as N/A when there no opinion has majority
18th March 2021
Added Uploader option to disable uploading multiple files at the same time
Improved searching also in case names
14th March 2021
Improved don't allow trailing spaces in question options
Added Next button for teaching studies without questions
Fixed view location for annotation links sometimes wouldn't get overwritten
11th March 2021
Fixed right click sometimes wasn't completely disabled when annotating with a brush
Fixed sometimes wrong brush size would be displayed
Added weekly restart to make sure latest versions of libraries are used
Improved speed of brush annotation tool
Improved detection of Apple iPencil - annotate with the iPencil, pan and zoom with your fingers
Added screenshots on iPad
Fixed detection of iPad broken with iOS v13.1
Improved larger polygon start circle on highres devices
9th March 2021
Fixed teachers sometimes didn't get edit rights for studies
Fixed keep "Show all annotations" checked when switching between TMA cores
Added hold Alt while dragging with a mouse to pan the zoom instead of annotating with a brush
7th March 2021
Added TMA feature page
Fixed editing module description
Added editing classes, module groups
Added more detailed access control for editing teaching modules
4th March 2021
Improved performance when annotating using brush
2nd March 2021
Fixed case-specific annotations count as slide-specific when deciding whether they changed
1st March 2021
Added creating annotations in case/slide descriptions
Improved performance for iPad annotations
26th February 2021
Added question parameter for GetScreenshot API
Fixed deleting last point in polygon after drawing it using touch
24th February 2021
Added overlay menu for links in description
Fixed resetting scores for checkboxes
21st February 2021
Fixed results comparison error with annotation answers
16th February 2021
Fixed scrolling with a mouse no longer changes the number in a number-type question
13th February 2021
Fixed results comparison page sometimes not showing your answer
10th February 2021
Fixed missing must be answered after loading shared scoring sheet
Added support for downloading an .MRXS file (including data directory as a zipped archive)
Fixed unexpected core selected when some cores are missing and score all cores from sample is enabled
9th February 2021
Fixed case-specific annotation that must be answered under certain circumstances
7th February 2021
Added editing slide names directly in case view for teachers
Improved slide drawer takes up a bit less spaces
5th February 2021
Fixed emptying teachers list
Removed mouse-over option for showing correct results
Improved performance when working with large classes
Added breadcrumb navigation
Improved simplified interface for students
3rd February 2021
Added more startup checks
Added explicit Same-Site protection for older browsers
Fixed new line in some circumstances could remove icons from descriptions
Added sniff protection
Improved setting Expert panel is now under Scoring
Added white-list of domains for sending emails to
Improved results comparison only shows slides that you have already scored
Added collecting performance metrics for slide tiles
Added support for questions that must be answered for TMAs
31st January 2021
Added option for questions that they must be answered (not yet for TMAs)
Added a set of critical checks before the app starts
Fixed missing checkbox value under rare circumstances
Improved handling of changing type of question to case-specific
Improved and updated client libraries
28th January 2021
Fixed issue with Apple Pencil and brush annotation
Improved performance when viewing large studies
Fixed removed suggestion of No Tumor for conditionals depending on drop downs
Fixed checkmark appearing too early for slides in case
25th January 2021
Added extra check for correct use of pixel API for NDPI slides
Added blocking of multiple submits for reviewing study
Fixed missing error message when verifying token fails
Added stricter password checks for changing 2FA settings
21st January 2021
Added support for rotated TMAs for QuPath plugin
Added submitting annotations from QuPath
Added submitting general answers from QuPath (e.g. percentage positive)
Added rate limiting for sensitive functionality
Fixed missing antiCSRF token check
Added explicit SAMEORIGIN for frame options header
Added no-store caching policy
Improved email templates
Added role-based email blacklist
17th January 2021
Improved rich text editor used for descriptions
Improved layout on scoring form
Added Delete all points for points annotation
Added button to add a study to a teaching module directly from the module page
15th January 2021
Improved Overview tab of the study administration
Fixed stability improvements
11th January 2021
Fixed result comparison now shows non-expert's own results when experts-only is selected
Added searching in cases on slides overview
Improved stability when interacting with annotations
Added handling of navigation in one of the slides in synchronized view
7th January 2021
Added check for existance of temporary upload store on startup
Improved rate-limiting in certain situations
Fixed importing large imagescope annotations
Fixed importing annotations for rotated TMA arrays in QuPath plugin
18th December 2020
Fixed adding email address could fail if its domain doesn't have an A DNS record
Improved error message for insufficient rights
16th December 2020
Improved default zoom level when viewing a TMA core
15th December 2020
Improved check box Show all annotations remembers setting for the whole study
Fixed check box Show all annotations correctly shows annotations per case
Fixed error when clicking outside the slide after selecting screenshot area
Improved security of email confirmation tokens
13th December 2020
Fixed Internet Explorer 11 can now submit scores for slides in a case
Fixed case-specific annotation scores so that database has a single annotation per case
Fixed under some circumstances the show/done icons did not work properly
Fixed only submit changes to a slide when user changed an answer
Improved performance of submitting results for slides in a case
Fixed visual artifacts when reordering questions by dragging
Improved 5px wider scoring sheet
10th December 2020
Added site administrator's menu
Changed that annotations can be case-specific
Changed rich text editor: autosaving shows indication of success
Changed rich text editor: clicking the edit button saves immediately
Improved error message when imported file is not in AllowedFolders
Fixed invalidate cache when deleting slides
Improved screenshots, detail closer to screen level
Changed maximum screenshot size 10 mega pixels
Fixed read-only annotation questions
Improved speed when results table gets large
Added page about our viewer
3rd December 2020
Fixed answers no longer being visible after removing a slide from a case
1st December 2020
Improved user info for site admins
29th November 2020
Fixed poll-type questions for TMAs
Added support email to error page
Support for importing QuPath annotations linked to TMA cores
26th November 2020
Improved handling of API tokens
Added check for existing API tokens with same name
Added indication that not all slides in a case have been scored in study view
24th November 2020
Fixed adding existing users to a new teaching module
Added possibility to deselect annotation tool by clicking it again
22nd November 2020
Added indication which slides in a case have been seen/scored
Fixed broken loading of autosaved annotations under certain conditions
Added slide viewing session tokens survive server restart
Added support for importing annotations from QuPath
15th November 2020
Added API method and API token setting for downloading slide files
Added API method and API token setting for deleting single slides
13th November 2020
Improved randomization of order of slides and cases, random numbers now always contiguous
Fixed annotation borders too thin on some screens
Fixed annotation points so that they are almost transparent
Removed warning when submitting a case without having scored all slides
11th November 2020
Fixed issue with NDPI slides of particular size
Fixed UI not changing after removing class from module
Fixed updating slide description in case view
Added check for existing answers before changing case-specificity on a question
Added more intelligent case-/slide-specific labels
Added showing case description even non-students
Added removing extra spaces in teachers' addresses
Added detailed changelog